
Food division has got a growing importance in the life of our mother company such as in our business. In the last years we have evolved into a kind of food specialist dealing above all in dry goods such as nuts, canned fish, rice and dried fruit. These products are traded mostly under our own brands.

Besides our own brands we are the exclusive distributor of well-known and praised international brands in Hungary. Our foodbroking activity shows a dynamic development, our assortment is constantly extended by exciting, innovative new brands and products.

Haselnüsse Oliven Trockenpflaumen
Müsli Sardinendose2 Parboiled Naturreis
Champignons Ananasscheiben Pralinen
14_Logo_Ilias_sliderFilippo_brandsliderEmco_logoTetley_logobia_logoSywan-logoslider18_Logo_Natural_Fruit_slider20_Logo_Nuri_sliderLakeshore_logosliderChivers_logosliderGranny's_logo09_Logo_finncrisp_sliderLogo_RZ_Natur_Vs104_Logo_Dani_sliderWITOR'S_2Mexifoods_sliderMarilussy's_logoBaxters_logologo_top_taste24_Logo_Riso Vignola_sliderpagen_LogoDelicius_logo26_Logo_Serpis_sliderKronen_slider